About Us
der-duesseldorfshop.de is the official online shop of Düsseldorf Tourismus GmbH.
Düsseldorf Tourismus GmbH (DT) was founded on February 20, 2001. DT sees itself as a partner and contact for tourism service providers in Düsseldorf and pursues the goal of positioning Düsseldorf as a tourist destination in both national and global competition. Together with its partners in Düsseldorf, DT develops market-oriented and target group-specific offers, modules and services for decision-makers, multipliers and end consumers. Modern sales and communication structures are used to increase the level of awareness of the state capital Düsseldorf at home and abroad and to gradually increase the number of guests arriving and staying overnight in Düsseldorf.
Düsseldorf Tourismus GmbH has been a subsidiary of Düsseldorf Marketing GmbH since autumn 2017. The sole shareholder of Düsseldorf Marketing GmbH is the state capital of Düsseldorf.